Poseydon sind eine Partnerschaft mit IMPERATIVE MUSIC eingegangen. Damit das Unternehmen Poseydon weltweit vermarkten kann, benutzen IMPERATIVE MUSIC ein Song und ein Video von Poseydon für die kommende Compilation Volume XVI .
Original Text:
ImperativeMusic Gilson
The Belgian band Poseydon confirms partnership with IMPERATIVE MUSIC to have worldwide publicity.
The Compilation Volume XVI will feature 1 track and 1 video them!
Poseydon is a Belgian Thrash metal band with Death metal influence, established in 1992. Poseydon sounds such as Slayer, Iced earth, Sepultura, Masterplan, Violater, Sacred Reich, Death, Metallica, Pantera, Legion of the Damned... IMPERATIVE MUSIC is a Worldwide Compilation printed in United States and distributed by labels such as NUCLEAR BLAST / EINHEIT PRODUKTIONEN / SEASON OF MIST / SUPREME CHAOS / MY KINGDOM MUSIC / MAJESTIC TATTOO / VIOLENT JOURNEY RECORDS / STF RECORDS / PURE STEEL / ART GATES / IRON SHIELD / RELAPSE RECORDS / THE END / HEAVEN AND HELL RECORDS / MORIBUND RECORDS / SEVARED RECORDS / DARK HORIZON RECORDS / SENTINEL STEEL / DEATHGASM RECORDS / RED STREAM RECORDS / IMPERATIVE MUSIC / ROCK STAKK / REDRIVETRECORDS / DISK UNION.
Awesome, check out their sites!
Poseydon (Belgium):
https://www.facebook.com/godoftheseaandmetal/ http://www.poseydon.be/
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